Dallas Veterinary Surgical Center
Click each procedure type to learn more
Orthopedic Procedures
Circular External Skeletal Fixator
Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) - Extracapsular Repair
Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) - Overview
Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) - Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA)
Fracture Healing By Biologic Osteosynthesis
Fracture of the Radius and Ulna in Small Breed Dogs
Soft Tissue Procedures
Brachycephalic Upper Airway Syndrome (BUAS)
Cystotomy & Scrotal Urethrostomy
Gastric Dilatation Volvulus (Bloat)
Incontinence: Urethral Sphincter Mechanism Incompetence
Laparoscopic Soft Tissue Surgery
Perianal Fistula Management in Dogs
Perineal Hernias Are a Problem in Intact Male Dogs
Peritoneopercardial Hernias in Dogs and Cats